Cast your mind back to when you were growing upwhat was Saturday or Sunday morning like Did you used to spend hours in front of Nickelodeon or Cartoon NetworkWell, it might be time to relive the good ol days and get familiar with German cartoon stations, all in the name of German learning But before you rush off to tune your TV to Ki. Ka and Toon TV or find a website for streaming, we need to start off right at the beginning. If you havent watched German cartoons before its a good idea to take it easy to begin with and set out with English subtitles until youre at the top of your listening game. Why Watch German Cartoons It may sound like Im trying to send you back to Kindergarten by suggesting you watch kids TV, but there is a method behind all this madness. Actually, sending you back to Kindergarten might not be a bad idea, especially if youre fairly new to learning German. Most cartoons are aimed at a young audience, so the language used in them can be really simple and spoken at a reasonable pace. Thanks to the clarity of the language youll be able to hear each and every word being said. This makes cartoons a great place for beginners to fine tune their listening skills. Whats more, the simple grammar constructs will be easy enough to follow, ensuring you can strengthen your knowledge of the language basics before moving onto advanced aspects. Advanced learners shouldnt be put off by thinking cartoons are too easytheres actually a great choice of cartoons out there that are aimed at a more mature audience too How to Learn German with Cartoons. Keep a vocabulary listWeb oficial de la Universidad de A Corua. Enlaces a centros, departamentos, servicios, planes de estudios. Michael Barrier Exploring the World of Animated Films and Comic Art. This character exists primarily or exclusively within the PreSuper Genesis Wave continuity. Information in this article may not be canonical to the storyline of the. Free movie clips from The English Mansion Femdom sites does not get any better than this Click images below to watch free movies. I know we say this whether youre streaming a German show on Netflix, reading the latest YA novel, or even listening to the current hits, but it really is a valuable exercise. Note down any words and phrases that you dont understand and keep returning to it. Do everything you can to memorize these wordsuse flashcards, for instanceso that they end up stuck in your head for good. Turn your cartoon watching into a social affairGet your friends around to watch some shows and then afterwards start a discussion, auf Deutsch. Talk about the storyto make sure everyone understoodand also which aspects of it you enjoyed, and which not so much. Apple Hd Movies Finding Dory. Try and talk about as much as possible to really ramp up your speaking practice If you cant all agree on a cartoon date, you could always watch separately and email each other afterwards. You could even create a game with the help of a cartoon, one which would enhance your listening skills. Make a list of certain words that you know will come upthink of common ones such as haben to have, er he, and ber over. Keep an ear out for these words throughout the program, whoever is first to notice one wins a point The winner is whoever has the most points at the end of the show. Finally, you can learn German with cartoons and other great videos with Fluent. U, an online immersion platform. Fluent. U takes great videos and turns them into language learning experiences so that you can learn real German as people really speak it. Fluent. U videos come with interactive captions in German or English, that you can turn on and off as needed. This means you can start enjoying the same content that native speakers actually watch, right now. Heres just a quick look at the content Fluent. U has on offer Watching a fun video, but having trouble understanding it Fluent. U brings native videos within reach with interactive transcripts. You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. If you see an interesting word you dont know, you can add it to a vocab list. And Fluent. U isnt just for watching videos. Its a complete platform for learning. Its designed to effectively teach you all the vocabulary from any video. Swipe left or right to see more examples of the word youre on. The best part is that Fluent. U keeps track of the vocabulary that youre learning, and it recommends you examples and videos based on the words youve already learned. This is a level of personalization that hasnt been done before. Start using Fluent. U on the website with your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the Fluent. U app from the i. Tunes store. Too many awesome cartoons to choose from No worries, Ive picked my 5 favorites to help you get startedDie Sendung mit der Maus The Program with the MouseDie Sendung mit der Maus is one of the cutest cartoons youll ever find And its also one of Germanys most beloved. So much so, in fact, that its the countrys most successful TV show ever. Its been aired every Sunday since 1. Collection of Common Keywords clipart, images, Common Keywords pictures and graphics for you to download Classroom Clipart. The show takes a magazine format and aims to educate very young children about everyday things in a very straightforward and matter of fact way. Educational shorts are then used to take children through often humorous looks at the weekly topic. Previous topics have included how cell phones work and how the Internet works. But what about the titular Maus mouse He pops up in most clips and acts as a presenter. He also has many different friends who appear in the cartoon section of each program, including Kptn Blaubr Captain Bluebear and Schnappi das kleine Krokodil Schnappi the small crocodile. Loriot LoriotVicco von Blow was a man of many talents. Not only was he a comedian, film director, actor and writer, but he was also a very talented cartoonist. Blow worked under the pseudonym Loriot and this was also the name he gave to his series of cartoons and sketches. Loriot aired in 1. Loriot is another excellent choice for beginners as the dialogue is often fairly slow paced and focused around everyday lifeno specialized vocabulary is required to understand If youre a German beginner and would rather watch something a bit more refined than Die Sendung mit der Maus, this 7. Zwlf Monate Twelve MonthsI should confess, Zwlf Monate Twelve Months isnt really a German cartoon. Its actually a Soviet movie from 1. Dvenadtsat mesyatsev. The movie was directed by the patriarch of Russian animation, Ivan Ivanov Vano. As with most Russian cartoons and animated films from that period, Zwlf Monate was dubbed over for the East German audience. Now, thanks to the wonders of the Internet, there are versions of the German version with added English subtitles I recommend for Zwlf Monate for intermediate German learners. The language isnt particularly difficult but, due to the age of many of the versions, the audio itself can sound a tiny bit muffled. There are also a couple of archaic terms used throughout, but if you should still be able to enjoy the movie even if you dont understand these the first time around. Nichtlustig Not FunnyNichtlustig is aimed at an older audience and, with that in mind, its better for those who have an intermediate to advanced level of German. The cartoon is the brainchild of Joscha Sauer and is comprised of various animated sketches. Theres an underlining dark humor throughout, so be warned that there are some slightly graphic and sexual tones scattered in each episode. Its not a show to watch with small kids However this cutting edge cartoon is great for language learners. As with the above cartoons aimed at children, the dialogue is very clear and easy to understand. As some of the subjects covered are fairly adult, the vocabulary used could be slightly complicated for beginners. Felidae FelidaeAnother cartoon for an older audience, Felidae is a neo noir thriller all about a crime fighting cat. This cartoon is perfect for competent German speakers, as this feature length animated film is aimed solely at adults, so you can expect a sophisticated level of German to be used throughout. The dialogue is spoken at a regular pace.