Directed by Kireet Khurana. With Ajay Devgn, Kajol, Ameya Pandya, Chinky Jaiswal. A reellife costumed actor is abducted and asked to be a real hero by Toon characters. The Ajay Kajol starrer Toonpur Ka Superrhero is a movie for kids and adults alike. The film, with the combination of live and animated characters, is a story of a reel life superstar who accidentally lands in the world of cartoons, Toonpur. Loveen will defeat everyone. Aditya Ajay Devgn, a film superstar and his wife Priya Kajol have achieved all the success they have dreamed of. But the children would rather have a father who is Real life hero than a reel life hero. Get set for a joy ride to the land of toons, Toonpur this Xmas eve 2. December 2. 01. 0. Koochie Koochie Hota Hai Full Movie© 2017