Duck family Disney Wikipedia. The Duck family is a fictional family of cartoon ducks related to Disney character Donald Duck. The family is also related to the Coot, Goose, and Gander families, as well as the Scottish Clan Mc. Duck. Besides Donald, the best known members of the Duck family are Huey, Dewey, and Louie, Donalds three nephews. Members of the Duck family appear most extensively in Donald Duck comic stories although some have made animated appearances. In 1. 99. 3, American comics author Don Rosa published a Duck family tree which established each characters relationships for purposes of his stories. Rosa even created a fictional timeline for when certain characters were born. All birthdeath dates given below are Rosas. Some other comics authors, both before and after Rosas family tree, have shown variations in the family. Development. In the early 1. Carl Barks was in his second decade of creating comic book stories starring Donald Duck and his various relatives. He had personally created several of the latter, Scrooge Mc. Free Duck Duck Goose Online GamesDuck and Gladstone Gander being the most notable among them, but the exact relation between them was still somewhat uncertain. Barks decided to create a personal version of their Family tree. To better define their relations, he added several previously unknown relatives. Barks never intended to publish this family tree, as he had created it for his personal use. The first public attempt at a coherent biography of the ducks was published in 1. An Informal Biography of Scrooge Mc. Duck by science fiction author Jack Chalker used names and events in the Barks stories and a very few non Barks ones to create a life story for Mc. Duck. It provided the basis for a Scrooge biography included in The Peoples Almanac. By 1. Duck family was ingrained sufficiently in popular culture that a character in the movie Corvette Summer quips Just call me Gladstone Duck after being lucky. In 1. Barks was well into his retirement but his stories remained popular and had gained him unexpected fame. He had given several interviews and answered questions about his personal views on the characters and their stories. Among other subjects, Backs described his early version of the family tree. Rough sketches of the tree were published in a number of fanzines. Fans of the characters were pleased for the background it added to them. At this point Mark Worden decided to create a drawing of this family tree including portraits of the characters mentioned. Otherwise Worden made few changes to the tree, most notably adding Daisy Duck as Donalds main love interest. His illustrated version of the tree was published at first in several fanzines and later in the Carl Barks Library. The latter was a ten volume collection of his works in hardcover black and white edition. In 1. 98. 7 Don Rosa, a long time fan of Carl Barks and personal friend of Mark Worden, started creating his own stories featuring Scrooge Mc. Duck and his various associates. His stories contained numerous references to older stories by Barks as well as several original ideas. After several years he gained a fanbase of his own. In the early 1. 99. Egmont, the publishing house employing Don Rosa, offered him an ambitious assignment. He was to create the definitive version of Scrooges biography and a family tree accompanying it. This was supposed to end decades of contradictions between stories which caused confusion to readers. The project was to become The Life and Times of Scrooge Mc. Duck. The family tree accompanying it was first published in Norway on July 3, 1. In the process of working on Scrooges biography, Rosa studied Barks old stories mentioning his past. Then he added several ideas of his own. Among them were biographical information for Scrooges supporting cast. In a way Scrooges biography was also their own biography. Family tree by Carl Barks. The family tree below shows the Goose left and Duck right portions of Donalds family tree according to Carl Barks. The chart is based on a 1. Barks for personal use, which was latter illustrated by artist Mark Worden in 1. Family tree by Don Rosa. In 1. 99. 3, Don Rosa published his version of the Duck family tree as part of his 1. The Life and Times of Scrooge Mc. Duck. The most significant change was Rosas expansion of the family tree to include the Coot relatives. Rosa also added Goostave Gander as the father of Gladstone, and made Luke Goose the father of Gus, rather than his uncle. The chart below is Rosas tree which shows relationships within the Coot family left and Duck family right. Ancestors. Pintail Duck was a 1. Duck relative and the first early ancestor to appear in person. Pintail served in the English Navy as the boatswain aboard the HMS Falcon Rover. The Falcon Rover raided Spanish targets in the Caribbean Sea between 1. Pintail was friends with the ships first mate, Malcolm Mc. Duck, who was also an ancestor of Donald. Pintail appears in the story Back to Long Ago 1. Donald. First generation. Humperdink Duck. Humperdink Duck is the earliest known modern Duck family member. He is the husband of Elvira Coot, known as Grandma Duck, and Donalds grandfather. He worked as a farmer in Duckburg. He had three children Quackmore, Daphne and Eider. Humperdink Duck had relevant comic appearances in two stories by Don Rosa. The Invader Of Fort Duckburg,4 a chapter of the saga The Life and Times of Scrooge Mc. Duck, and The Sign Of The Triple Distelfink. He was known as Pa Duck later known as Grandpa Duck. Humperdinks life before having a family was never shown in the comics. Don Rosa speculated that the Duck family originated from England, but it is unknown if Humperdink is an immigrant. In the story The Good Old Daze by Tony Strobl,7 Grandpa Duck an older Humperdink appears in flashback taking care of little Donald along with Grandma. Hes portrayed as a dedicated but rigorous grandfather. Grandpas real name wasnt revealed in this story, but in an untitled one from 1. Grandma called Humperdink has a cameo appearance. Don Rosa considered that this character became Donalds grandfather. In this same story, Grandma remembers an occasion where she and Humperdink heard one of her favorite songs. Free Download The Princess And The Frog. She says to herself, I remember the band played that for Humperdink and me at the Fish Peddlers Picnic in 1. Besides, Grandma finds the ruined coat Humperdink had used to let her not step on a mud puddle and some romantic letters addressed to her written by Humperdink. Then she remembers some sweet names Humperdink used to refer to her in those letters. Humperdink appeared as Grandpa Duck in two comic stories previously mentioned. The Good Old Daze by Strobl and The Sign Of The Triple Distelfink by Rosa, but Strobl drew him with a quite long beard and some hair, while Rosa has drawn him with a short one and a full head of hair. In a comic story first published in 2. Grandpa Duck Strobls version appears in a flashback scene which is told by his wife Grandma Duck. This story is called The Good Neighbors by Lars Jensen and Flemming Andersen and makes part of the comic subseries Tamers of Nonhuman Threats. Humperdink appears unnamed in the 1. No Hunting in which he posthumously inspires Donald to take part in hunting season. Grandma Duck. Grandma Duck and Gus Goose, drawn by Frank Mc. Savage. Elvira Grandma Duck ne Coot 1. October1. 1 c. 1. Donalds grandmother and the Duck family matriarch. In most stories, she is simply referred to as Grandma Duck. She was introduced to the Disney comic universe by Al Taliaferro and Bob Karp in the Donald Duck newspaper comic strip, first in a picture on the wall in the August 1. Sunday page, and then as fully fledged character in the strip of Monday, September 2. Taliaferro found inspiration for her in his own mother in law, Donnie M. Wheaton. Depending on the writer, Grandma Duck has had various given names over the years in a story by Riley Thomson from 1. Elviry1. 3 and in a story from 1.
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