Bloomberg reported on Friday. Officials with Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. believe the substance is the remains of atomic fuel rods, which melted through and fused with other structural components of the reactor. Identifying precisely where the melted down materials are, and what they are composed of, is critical to the ongoing Tepco cleanup efforts. Never before have we taken such clear pictures of what could be melted fuel, utility official Takahiro Kimoto told reporters, per Bloomberg. We believe that the fuel melted and mixed with the metal directly underneath it. And it is highly likely that we have filmed that on Friday. After the 2. Plot outline, cast list, trivia, quotes, mistakes, user reviews, and a message board. Thoku earthquake and tsunami triggered the plants meltdown, over 1. The reactors at Fukushima remain extremely dangerous In February 2. No. 2 reached at least 6. Watch The Golden Blaze Free more. Tepco robots. While the cleanup is expected to take decades and has an estimated 7.