Around 45 of English vocabulary is of French origin, most coming from the AngloNorman spoken by the upper classes in England for several hundred years after the. AC French ak iv kusto commonly known in English as Jacques Cousteau 1. June 1. 91. 0 2. June 1. French naval officer, explorer, conservationist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. He co developed the Aqua lung, pioneered marine conservation and was a member of the Acadmie franaise. Cousteau described his underwater world research in a series of books, perhaps the most successful being his first book, The Silent World A Story of Undersea Discovery and Adventure, published in 1. Cousteau also directed films, most notably the documentary adaptation of the book, The Silent World, which won a Palme dor at the 1. Cannes Film Festival. He remained the only person to win a Palme dOr for a documentary film, until Michael Moore won the award in 2. Fahrenheit 91. 1. BiographyThe sea, the great unifier, is mans only hope. Now, as never before,the old phrase has a literal meaning We are all in the same boat. Jacques Cousteau. Early years. Cousteau was born on 1. June 1. 91. 0, in Saint Andr de Cubzac, Gironde, France to Daniel and lisabeth Cousteau. He had one brother, Pierre Antoine. Cousteau completed his preparatory studies at the Collge Stanislas in Paris. In 1. 93. 0, he entered the cole Navale and graduated as a gunnery officer. After an automobile accident cut short his career in naval aviation, Cousteau indulged his interest in the sea. The accident caused him to break both his arms and could have even killed him. This caused Cousteau to have to change his plans in becoming a naval pilot, but it eventually worked out because of his passion for the ocean. Sci Fi Movies Dvd Book Of Dragons. In Toulon, where he was serving on the Condorcet, Cousteau carried out his first underwater experiments, thanks to his friend Philippe Tailliez who in 1. Fernez underwater goggles, predecessors of modern swimming goggles. Cousteau also belonged to the information service of the French Navy, and was sent on missions to Shanghai and Japan 1. USSR 1. 93. 9. citation neededOn 1. July 1. 93. 7 he married Simone Melchior, with whom he had two sons, Jean Michel born 1. Philippe 1. 94. 01. His sons took part in the adventures of the Calypso. In 1. 99. 1, one year after his wife Simones death from cancer, he married Francine Triplet. They already had a daughter Diane Cousteau born 1. Pierre Yves Cousteau born 1. Cousteaus marriage to his first wife. Early 1. 94. 0s Innovation of modern underwater diving. The years of World War II were decisive for the history of diving. After the armistice of 1. Simone and Jacques Yves Cousteau took refuge in Megve, where he became a friend of the Ichac family who also lived there. Jacques Yves Cousteau and Marcel Ichac shared the same desire to reveal to the general public unknown and inaccessible places for Cousteau the underwater world and for Ichac the high mountains. The two neighbors took the first ex aequo prize of the Congress of Documentary Film in 1. French underwater film Par dix huit mtres de fond 1. Embiez islands Var with Philippe Tailliez and Frdric Dumas, using a depth pressure proof camera case developed by mechanical engineer Lon Vche engineer of Arts and Mtiers and the Naval College. In 1. 94. 3, they made the film paves Shipwrecks, in which they used two of the very first Aqua Lung prototypes. These prototypes were made in Boulogne Billancourt by the Air Liquide company, following instructions from Cousteau and mile Gagnan. When making paves, Cousteau could not find the necessary blank reels of movie film, but had to buy hundreds of small still camera film reels the same width, intended for a make of childs camera, and cemented them together to make long reels. Having kept bonds with the English speakers he spent part of his childhood in the United States and usually spoke English and with French soldiers in North Africa under Admiral Lemonnier, Jacques Yves Cousteau whose villa Baobab at Sanary Var was opposite Admiral Darlans villa Reine, helped the French Navy to join again with the Allies he assembled a commando operation against the Italian espionage services in France, and received several military decorations for his deeds. At that time, he kept his distance from his brother Pierre Antoine Cousteau, a pen anti semite who wrote the collaborationist newspaper Je suis partout I am everywhere and who received the death sentence in 1. However, this was later commuted to a life sentence, and Pierre Antoine was released in 1. During the 1. 94. Cousteau is credited with improving the aqua lung design which gave birth to the open circuit scuba technology used today. According to his first book, The Silent World A Story of Undersea Discovery and Adventure 1. Cousteau started diving with Fernez goggles in 1. Commander Yves le Prieur. Cousteau was not satisfied with the length of time he could spend underwater with the Le Prieur apparatus so he improved it to extend underwater duration by adding a demand regulator, invented in 1. Gagnan. 4 In 1. 94. Cousteau tried out the first prototype aqua lung which finally made extended underwater exploration possible. Late 1. 94. 0s GERS and lie Monnier. In 1. 94. 6, Cousteau and Tailliez showed the film paves Shipwrecks to Admiral Lemonnier, who gave them the responsibility of setting up the Groupement de Recherches Sous marines GRS Underwater Research Group of the French Navy in Toulon. A little later it became the GERS Groupe dtudes et de Recherches Sous Marines, Underwater Studies and Research Group, then the COMISMER COMmandement des Interventions Sous la MER, Undersea Interventions Command, and finally more recently the CEPHISMER. In 1. 94. 7, Chief Petty Officer. Maurice Fargues became the first diver to die using an aqualung, while attempting a new depth record with the GERS near Toulon. In 1. Cousteau undertook a first campaign in the Mediterranean on board the sloop lie Monnier,78 with Philippe Tailliez, Frdric Dumas, Jean Alinat and the scenario writer Marcel Ichac. The small team also undertook the exploration of the Roman wreck of Mahdia Tunisia. It was the first underwater archaeology operation using autonomous diving, opening the way for scientific underwater archaeology. Cousteau and Marcel Ichac brought back from there the Carnets diving film presented and preceded with the Cannes Film Festival 1. Cousteau and the lie Monnier then took part in the rescue of Professor Jacques Piccards bathyscaphe, the FNRS 2, during the 1. Dakar. Thanks to this rescue, the French Navy was able to reuse the sphere of the bathyscaphe to construct the FNRS 3. The adventures of this period are told in the two books The Silent World 1. Cousteau and Dumas and Plonges sans cble 1. Philippe Tailliez. In 1. 94. 9, Cousteau left the French Navy. In 1. 95. 0, he founded the French Oceanographic Campaigns FOC, and leased a ship called Calypso from Thomas Loel Guinness for a symbolic one franc a year. Cousteau refitted the Calypso as a mobile laboratory for field research and as his principal vessel for diving and filming. He also carried out underwater archaeological excavations in the Mediterranean, in particular at Grand Conglou 1. With the publication of his first book in 1. The Silent World, he correctly predicted the existence of the echolocation abilities of porpoises. He reported that his research vessel, the lie Monier, was heading to the Straits of Gibraltar and noticed a group of porpoises following them. Cousteau changed course a few degrees off the optimal course to the center of the strait, and the porpoises followed for a few minutes, then diverged toward mid channel again. It was evident that they knew where the optimal course lay, even if the humans did not. Cousteau concluded that the cetaceans had something like sonar, which was a relatively new feature on submarines.