Replicants, superheros, and reboots await you in our Fall Movie Guide. Plan your season and take note of the hotly anticipated indie, foreign, and documentary. Dead Ringer 1. 96. IMDb. Edit. After the funeral of her brother in law, Edith Phillips learns that Margaret de Lorca, her rich twin sister, had tricked her way into marriage with the man she also loved. M/MV5BNDYxMzI2NzI0MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDc2MDk5MzE@._V1_.jpg' alt='Dead Leaves Movie Trailers' title='Dead Leaves Movie Trailers' />So she kills Margaret and assumes her identity and life style. However, her life becomes complicated by her late sisters sleazy boyfriend, Tony Collins and Sgt. Download Pokemon: Mewtwo Returns Movie Online. Jim Hobbson, a Los Angeles detective who loved the dead Edith. Written by. alfiehitchie. Plot SummaryAdd Synopsis. Taglines. They were twins who once looked exactly alike until. Its a little corny, but Gods Not Dead has a positive message about standing up for ones beliefs. Based on a series of court cases where colleges have infringed.